Friday, March 20, 2009

HellO YOgUrT!!!! & a Cosmetics Novel!!!!!!

So tonight i actually had fun and wanted to come home and blog about!
So tonight Marissa, Clarissa, and Jessica were closing and we decided to go meet them when they were off so we could go get HELLO YOGURT! And so we did...then started our oh so fun adventure....we went off about all our hilarious cosmetics stories and wierdo customers in the store and went all over what we were going to write in our book someday...cause its pretty damn un believable what people will say and do for a sample...come on it really worth your dignity? we think not. we were all laughing and giggling so hard that the car was shaking! hahaha and let me tell you we got ice cream at 10:30 ish and i just got home and its almost 1 so it was truely enjoyable and just what i needed to give my week a true blue boost! i loved it! Thanks Gals!

LOVe hanging with my PalS!!!!!!

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