Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SO we have been away for awhile...

Lance is amazing! He makes our yard now look like this!
(you can see lance smiling out the window in the kitchen)

And our backyard looks like this!
(i love how he just goes around the really bad area Hahaha)

Yes we do have the tent set up in the backyard cause we went camping over memorial day weekend and it did not just rain it poured and our tent got all went and dirty so lance and i came home and we set it up in the backyard so we could clean it out and stuff and as we were cleaning it out wow surprise it started to rain again. so its still up until further notice....plus
Bonus it adds something extra to our massively huge back yard that only gets use when i go back there and tan. So maybe if it does not rain this week we will sleep in it!

Next week is Lances Birthday and that's exciting he is going to be 24 which to me is crazy cause seriously we were just 16 kissing in the park!

IN three weeks we are going to California for the many events going on! and that's exciting! Speaking of California this is my awesome new sticker on my car ! i love it cause no one else has it and i feel good about that! Cause with us seriously we cant be ordinary that might be easy!

Well TA TA sorry we dont have more exciting news!
C and L

Monday, May 11, 2009

Clarissa & Matts Bridal Pictures....

SO... this past week my good friend Clarissa is getting married and we took her bridals and her engagements and i have to say i did pretty amazing if i say so my self! If you know Clarissa she is QUEEN OF THE SHORT HAIR! but knowing her she wanted a long hair style for her wedding pictures! AHHHHH! So i bought hair and cut it into small wefts and curled each piece and basically pinned them in making "temporary extensions" i was DETERMINED to make them look real if it was the last thing i did! I was not letting it look fake at all! I also helped with her makeup! SO she looks pretty HOT! WOOOO HOOO! SO here is a before and after picture!

Pretty Good! I dont mean to brag but hey.....i will....


IN other updates Lance has taken the turtle s to a new level in life.... they got a new house..... and since were to broke to buy a 50 buck tank he improvised and made one out of a rubber made container! He calls it his turtle habitat! He shows it to every person that comes over! its kinda cute and hey he can still carry it from room to room which makes him happy so that's good! Heres some pics!

i Love Lance and with him around im never bored!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lance is in love with his turtles....and i planted a garden and it grew!

So we went to California last week and when we went downtown Lance decided to buy two baby turtles on the street....from a random Hispanic lady....none the less.... and so he brings his turtle s all the way home to Utah and now the man is just obsessed..... he carries his turtles around the house with him....he goes in the front room the turtles go in the front room.... he even brings them and puts them on the dresser next to the bed when he sleeps. So the other night i woke up in the middle of the night and lance had put the turtles in a "special place" before he went to work. i walk in and i look on my tall lamp in my living room and he has taken and put the turtle cage on top of the lamp with the lamp on. he left a note...."please dont move the turtles they sleep better when they are warm..." omg i almost died laughing! i love how lance takes such good care of his turtles...

Bloom Where Your Planted....
So when we moved in i really wanted to see if i could learn to plant flowers in front of the house.... So before it started snowing i planted the bulbs that was like ummm....... November and i did not even know if i had done it right but this last week i got my proof! Tulips and Daffodils galore! it was exciting i must say!

Our Sunday Dinner Tradition......
As per our wonderful tradition we eat dinner every Sunday night together.... We make dinner together we make total comfort food! So tonight we had stuffed chicken breasts....! Horray they were delicious and super cheap! Just chicken breasts stuffed with chicken flavored stuffing with cream of chicken soup on top and cheese! Delicious! Recap!

Thats all till next time!
C and L

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our SHORT trip to California!

On Thursday and Friday we stayed with the Cards....
( Downtown LA, farmers market, hanging out with the fam!)

Saturday & Sunday we stayed with the Herrs..
(Saturday we went to our cousin baby Samantha's christening. and Played with our Niece!)

IT was so fun and we are super excited to go back in just 8 short weeks for Veronica and James wedding! Thanks to our great families for helping us have an enjoyable trip!

C & L

Sunday, April 19, 2009

THese little Gems Came HOme From the DI with uS!

SO lance and i love love love to go to the DI together! and this is what we brought home this week!

Lance was thrilled to get 2 new snowboards!

Lance loves this and i really dont know what it is SOME SORT OF ANIMAL! but he says he is going to put it in on the dash of his car! WOW!
AND i got a fabric steamer! IVE been wanting one FOREVER there is nothing more i hate than to iron!

SO this is the exciting news of the week! hahahaha!




c AND l

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

So My Easter has been quite enjoyable i must say so myself! Today i woke up around 10 and went in the living room to see lance had made me the cutest Easter basket! Can i just say wow how thoughtful is he? I just love it!

Then we continued on with our normal Sunday routine (church, and wingers...) ahahhahaha so colleen and lance....then i have a test coming up and so i 100% had to study all day...but as usual could not focus to save my life! So who do i call every time i need something....Jessica as usual she never fails me.... So we decide to go to Vivian park in provo canyon to study so we will not be distracted..... so we took keva (jessicas dog and lance and let them play together....)I have to say i love spending Easter with two of my bestest friends!

Now im home and studying some more! and Jessica is making chocolate Carmel tart for us to eat! and only a week till California! HAPPY EASTER!!!! xoxoxoox!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pickles are really Cucumbers?

Sooo...tonight i was on the phone with jessica and we talked about how a couple weeks ago i learned something i did not know before.... Did you know that Pickles were once a cucumber? I really 100 % did not know this....and Jessica and Clarissa explained the entire process to me and how they were once a cucumber .... When you think about the valid points in my story and how i would not put two and two together maybe it will make you think twice.... first of all pickles are only like 2 bucks for an entire jar...when a cucumber is like 75 cents on it own and there is like 20 pickles in a jar so how can they mark up the price for one "cucumber" when they are only charging 2 bucks for like 20 little ones. Realistically it does not make any sense. Second of all pickles and cucumbers really dont even have the same texture to them. Thats its kind of odd. And thirdly how did i go thought my 22 years and not know this...HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS BUT EVERYONE ELSE DID....was i like absent on "important things to know in life" school day.....HahHa! So im glad i know now and if you did not know before....im glad i could save you from such humiliation.....

Secondly ill share with you tonight i made a Roast and i have not made on in so long lance was so excited its one of his favorite things that i make cause he calls it my "simple cooking" ....sometimes he says i try to hard and i really end up messing a lot of things up...(cat will remember when i made Parmesan crusted pork chops....ya they tasted like death..) so here is a quick remission of our delightfully delicious dinner!

Conference was also really great we both enjoyed it and especially liked what the prophet and elder Ukdorf ( i probably did not spell that right) talked about the economy and how
"the future is as bright as our faith..."

C & L

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Everythings Going to Be Alright....

i know that ive been breaking down left and right here lately but i just wanna say that im so glad that we are blessed for everything that has happened and everything that we have gone through has only made us stronger....i know that lance and i are going to be okay and that in the end we have eachother and our families by our sides.... thanks for all your support!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bye Bye Aztek....Hello Sorento!

If You never get out of their face....They will eventually Listen to you.....

Soo lets just say this has been a crazy couple of weeks....to say the least..... we bought a lemon(and did not know it of course)! So All Lance and I have done for the last couple of weeks is fight and push and fight and push some more to try to get this Hannis problems fixed i was not walking out of their worse off by buying a car after all the reason you buy one is to make your life a lot easier! So finally yesterday we get a final diagnosis to the "Aztek" and it was going to be about 3000.00 in repairs! Oh my no way! Heck i just paid like 6000.00 for the thing! Not happening! So i come home and write a letter to the Better Business Beau and just explaining the whole situation to them how i looked at my rights and how they did not tell me these repairs needed to be fixed when we were purching the car and all this and that! And that they cancelled our warrenty! crazyness! So anyways we were so angry....So lance hikes his happy butt into Brent Brown this morning and shows the guy the paper of how much the repairs were going to be the guy just kinda looks at him and is like ok what should i do about it im not going to pay to have that car fixed. So he fianlly says okay this is what i can do. You can trade the car in for something the same price or similar. So lance runs home to me and says come on we gotta go down to brent brown and find a new car. So we go down to Brent brown let me tell you they were done with us at this point....and we start looking through their used selection...well i guess the bank only grants loans uasually if you get one with under 100,000 miles on the car your buying....so he shows us a couple and we test drive and go over safety and everything OMGoodess were we cautious this time when selecting....ahahahha! So we narrow it down to two in our price range and we had a Kia Sorento 2005 and a Chrystler PT CRUSIER 2002. So we go over everything and the biggest thing in my mind was we have have have to find one with a warrenty and so then we start reading over everything and the kia was super nice and good sized and 4 wheel drive and we see it has a warrenty DONE DEAL! So what a blessing! Can i just tell you that i have never been more grateful to my heavenly father for blessing us with the chance to at least get ourselves out of a bad situation and at least make it better... how nice a feeling is it! So we turned in our Aztek today and took home the Sorento. We sign all the final papers tomarrow! But what a relief! Thank heavens!

"I dont get many things right the first time, in fact i am told that alot..... But i am blessed with second chances...i am i am the luckiest..."
- Ben Folds Five

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Its Like April in 2 Days...and we get over a Foot Of SnoW....what!

SO its like April in 2 days and we got a foot of snow tonight you would think its like January! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! i do not approve...especially since i just hung all the winter coats in the closets and got my light coats and Bright colored tops ready for spring....lances wordrobe is pretty contestant (black, white, green and red for work) so his job was relatively simple.And its supposted to snow all week! ahhaha!
And today we looked out of our house and it looked like this...

All i can say is i cant wait to got to California at the end of the month! IM done with the snow.....

S0 i have to tell you the funny event of the day...So tonight lance and i went to the grocery store we had an emergency! And as we were passing through i was like lance....ya know after all 8 years of me knowing you i dont know your favorite Easter Candy....yes i know its kinda wierd but to me easter candy is in a WHOLE SEPERATE catagory to me...I LOVE EASTER CANDY. I have to say its just the hardest time of the year for me all easter candy tastes amazing too me! HAHHAHA! My 2 favorites are the easter reeses pastel eggs and the cadbury ones in the purple bag....omgoodness its like an addiction to me! SO anyways i turned to Lance as was like "what is your favorite easter candy?" and he was like....ummmm "well i guess the mexican easter candy...."um lance really....i know i go through this every christmas trying to stuff his stocking...but really i guess....then he says "i dont think that mexicans sell easter candy colleen so i guess that i dont have one...." Great Lance! ahahahh! well i guess since ive been married almost 3 years now i can realise that you never stop learning about your spouse.....hahaha..... its never gets old being with lance im always on my toes!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

SoOOoO... tonight I was just again reminded again..

When's It Gonna Be OUr Turn?

ahhh tonight i was going through my face book "friends" just scrolling through and was once again im the only person of all my friends and stuff that is not pregnant or getting pregnant(apparently!) And then at tonight at work this lady totally was yelling so loud at her kids being so mean to them and was like "i wish you kids would just shut up!" I wanted to be like you dont know how lucky you are Lady... its just not a fair reality... i know i should be greatful i dont have cancer...or i have not fallen off a bridge or something...but to be honest im kinda bitter, im sure in sometime im reminded because on the 30th it will be a year that i miscarried but i think im just wondering why not us! And its proably a good thing but you cant help but think! WHY!!!! ahhhh! but enough about that. i thought i would just ramble....i do complain too much...ahhhh i hate that about me!!!!! Postive thoughts colleen!
ONe day lance and i will know the bliss of being parents!

WE have actually decided that as a couple to do new things were going to take our little boy scout troup (yes we are the boyscout leaders...and lance actually loves it,a tad more than i do....) and were going to start a softball team. Lances dad played and he is like i gotta do that...And of course i will always love it! So im excited about that! So we will keep you updated on it! Im surprised how much i find to blog about! Hahah but i guess i do always ramble...... Goood night more to come!
Loves n HUgs!
COlleenie and Lancey!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

OUr life is out of control....but were going to be okay....

Why do they Love Us?
Your Most Demanding Children in Utah Appreciate You Everyday!

so our life is out of control but ive thought....ya know were going to be okay cause we have the best support system and more than ever ive realized how much my life is great because i have Lance. Can i just tell you how much ive needed him these last couple of weeks and how much i just really have been able to lean on him and know that everything is just going to ok. And i just know it cause at the end of the day. car no car. money no money. kids no kids i have him i have him everyday to lean on. and i just love that!

"its always better, when were together..."

***Bonus we have these amazing families that answer their phones only about 12 times a day to give us advice and tell us how to get through it all. And i love that too!

featured this little gem coming home with us!

so in more up lifting news..... were excited that we went to the DI on tuesday to realise our tension and really get all the bad vibes out and we sat out side the doors in the yard area watching them bring new stuff out the doors and we got this!

Holy Hell how we found an aero bed at di for 5 bucks its amazing i tell you sit there long enough and wonderful things will happen! hahaha the best part is i even made lance blow it up in the yard area and test it out before we bought it! hahahah! everyone was looking at him it was kinda awsome! hahaha! THen we started talking to this mexican guy sittting there with us (his name was miguel and he is a chef at olive garden) and he told us he goes there 3-4 days a week and he said ya i have seen you guys here before! wow i dont know weather to take that as a compliment or not! hahaha! o well..... so it was pretty freaking sweet! i have to say!

in other good news.... colleen and lance will be coming home to california the following dates....

april 22-27,2009
june 25-29,2009
july 9-14,2009

so were so excited love all you guys! cant wait to see your shining faces! sorry this blog is so long...

as my mother in law told me tonight i get so excited to look at your guys blog and then you have not updated it since sunday so get on there! Hope this was @ least Comical!

Loves and Hugz,
Colleenie & Lancey!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fragrance Festival & Date Night w. LAnce!

so today was fragrance festival! horray and besides the music almost making me go deaf it was great...not really but everyone looked hot! hahaahah! it was nice to have a day of not wearing the dreaded estee lauder uniform...if anything! im so over that navy piece of fine designer attire!

Jess & I @fragrance festival!

Date NIght with Lance!
BUt most importantly i had date night with lance...and let me tell you ive missed that boy all week! it was so nice to just spend time together! and although we did not do anything amazing we did eat, and talk to his parents on the phone for awhile....and then we went And bought twilight on dvd! horray! Heres a couple magical moments...to recap the day!

Friday, March 20, 2009

HellO YOgUrT!!!! & a Cosmetics Novel!!!!!!

So tonight i actually had fun and wanted to come home and blog about it.....wow!
So tonight Marissa, Clarissa, and Jessica were closing and we decided to go meet them when they were off so we could go get HELLO YOGURT! And so we did...then started our oh so fun adventure....we went off about all our hilarious cosmetics stories and wierdo customers in the store and went all over what we were going to write in our book someday...cause its pretty damn un believable what people will say and do for a sample...come on people....is it really worth your dignity? we think not. we were all laughing and giggling so hard that the car was shaking! hahaha and let me tell you we got ice cream at 10:30 ish and i just got home and its almost 1 so it was truely enjoyable and just what i needed to give my week a true blue boost! i loved it! Thanks Gals!

LOVe hanging with my PalS!!!!!!